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Handover of Land for New Bombay High Court Building in Bandra to Start by September: Supreme Court Told


Handover of Land for New Bombay High Court Building in Bandra to Start by September: Supreme Court Told


The Supreme Court of India has been informed that the process of handing over land for the construction of the new Bombay High Court building in Bandra will commence by September 2024. This decision follows extensive deliberations and meetings among various stakeholders, ensuring that the project moves forward as planned.

Background and Context

The plan for relocating the Bombay High Court to a new site in Bandra has been under consideration for some time. Initially, the High Court had suggested exploring an alternative location in Goregaon. However, the Supreme Court intervened and emphasized that Bandra remains the preferred site for the new High Court complex. This decision underscores the importance of location in terms of accessibility and logistical convenience for the judiciary and the public.

Details of the Land Handover

The first phase of the land handover involves 4.39 acres within the Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC), scheduled to be transferred by September 10, 2024. This initial transfer is critical to kick-start the construction process. Additionally, another 30.46 acres will be handed over in due course, ensuring sufficient space for the development of a modern and comprehensive judicial complex.

Meetings and Stakeholder Engagement

The decision to proceed with the Bandra site was solidified during a series of meetings held in early July 2024. Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court, along with a Judges Committee, led an internal meeting on July 8, followed by a broader stakeholder meeting on July 9. These discussions highlighted the feasibility and strategic advantages of the Bandra location, leading to the final agreement.

Supreme Court's Role and Directions

The Supreme Court has played a proactive role in ensuring the timely progression of this project. A suo motu case based on a letter petition from the President of the Bombay Bar Association, Nitin Thakker, prompted the Court's involvement. The Court's directives have been crucial in expediting the land transfer process and resolving any potential delays.

Architectural Planning and Design

To ensure the new High Court building meets modern standards, the Maharashtra government has proposed involving eight architects who will showcase their designs. This competitive process aims to select the best architectural plan that aligns with the High Court's requirements and the state's vision for a state-of-the-art judicial complex.

Transition of Current Premises

The current premises leased by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) from the Bank of India are also being vacated to facilitate the transition. The documents will be moved by the end of July, allowing for necessary repairs and adjustments to accommodate the High Court temporarily.

Public Works Department's Role

The Public Works Department (PWD) has been directed to submit detailed estimates for the construction and development work. This step is vital for budgeting and ensuring that the project is executed efficiently and within the allocated resources.

Future Monitoring and Meetings

The Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court has been granted the authority to convene regular meetings with the Judges Committee to monitor the project's progress. This oversight mechanism ensures that any issues are promptly addressed, and the project stays on track.

Next Steps and Hearing Date

The Supreme Court has scheduled the next hearing on August 22, 2024, to review the progress and address any further concerns. This ongoing judicial oversight highlights the importance of the project and the need for continuous momentum until its completion.


The new Bombay High Court building in Bandra represents a significant development for the judiciary in Maharashtra. The planned handover of land and the proactive steps taken by the Supreme Court and High Court ensure that this project moves forward with due diligence and efficiency. The new complex promises to enhance judicial infrastructure, providing a modern and accessible facility for the administration of justice.

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