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Supreme Court Hears Plea Seeking Free Treatment for Children with Muscular Dystrophy


Supreme Court Hears Plea Seeking Free Treatment for Children with Muscular Dystrophy

Introduction to the Case

On August 9, 2024, the Supreme Court of India heard a significant Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by parents of children suffering from muscular dystrophy. The case brought attention to the dire need for a national policy that ensures free treatment for children afflicted with this debilitating genetic disorder. Muscular dystrophy, characterized by progressive muscle weakness and loss of muscle function, severely affects children's quality of life, often confining them to wheelchairs and reducing their life expectancy. Given the devastating impact of this condition, the petitioners urged the Court to intervene and mandate the government to provide adequate medical care and financial support to these vulnerable children.

Muscular Dystrophy: The Disease and Its Implications

Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic disorders that lead to the progressive deterioration of muscle strength and function. The disease primarily affects the muscles in the legs, pelvis, and arms, but it can also impact the heart, lungs, spine, and brain in more severe cases. As the disease progresses, children often lose the ability to walk, become wheelchair-bound, and face significant respiratory and cardiac complications. The condition is not only physically debilitating but also imposes a heavy emotional and financial burden on the affected families.

The petitioners highlighted that despite the severity of muscular dystrophy, there is a lack of awareness and diagnostic facilities in India, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, the treatment options available are extremely expensive and limited to a few specialized centers, making them inaccessible to most families. This lack of accessibility and affordability has resulted in a tragic situation where many children with muscular dystrophy do not receive the care they need to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

The Legal Plea and Its Objectives

The PIL filed in the Supreme Court seeks several critical interventions from the government. Firstly, the petitioners have requested that muscular dystrophy be classified under the "Special Categories Rare Disease" rather than just "Rare Disease." This reclassification would ensure that children with muscular dystrophy receive enhanced financial support under the National Policy for Rare Diseases, 2021. The petitioners argue that the current policy does not provide sufficient financial assistance to cover the high costs of treatment, which includes expensive medications, physiotherapy, and assistive devices.

In addition to financial support, the PIL also calls for the government to implement a national program specifically designed for the treatment of muscular dystrophy. Such a program would involve setting up specialized centers across the country where children with muscular dystrophy can receive comprehensive care, including medical treatment, rehabilitation, and psychological support. The petitioners believe that a coordinated national effort is essential to address the unique challenges posed by muscular dystrophy and to ensure that all affected children have access to the care they need, regardless of their socio-economic status.

Furthermore, the PIL seeks the issuance of unique ID cards for patients with muscular dystrophy, which would enable them to access free treatment at any government or private hospital. The petitioners argue that this measure would help streamline the process of accessing medical care and ensure that children with muscular dystrophy receive timely and appropriate treatment. The ID cards would also serve as a tool for monitoring and tracking the progress of patients, allowing healthcare providers to tailor their treatment plans to the specific needs of each child.

The Supreme Court's Response and the Role of the Government

The Supreme Court, recognizing the urgency of the matter, issued a notice to the Union government in October 2023, seeking its response to the petitioners' demands. The Court also sought the assistance of Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati to provide clarity on the status of a similar petition pending before the Delhi High Court, which had directed the Centre to state its budget for health over the past five years and explore the possibility of using any unused funds for the treatment of children with rare diseases like muscular dystrophy.

During the hearing on August 9, 2024, the petitioners' counsel informed the Court that since the filing of the case, five children with muscular dystrophy had died, and ten others were in critical condition. This tragic development underscored the urgency of the situation and the need for immediate government intervention. The petitioners emphasized that time was of the essence, as delays in treatment could have life-threatening consequences for the affected children.

In response, the Supreme Court directed the Union government to provide a comprehensive response to the petitioners' demands and to clarify the steps it had taken to address the issues raised in the PIL. The Court also extended the interim protection granted to the children, ensuring that they remained under the Court's protection until a final decision was made.

The Broader Implications of the Case

The Supreme Court's intervention in this case highlights the critical role of the judiciary in addressing public health issues and ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the care they need. The case also underscores the importance of government accountability in implementing policies that protect the rights and well-being of citizens, particularly those who are most vulnerable.

If the Court rules in favor of the petitioners, it could set a significant precedent for the treatment of rare diseases in India. The reclassification of muscular dystrophy under the "Special Categories Rare Disease" could lead to increased financial support for affected families, making life-saving treatment more accessible to those in need. Additionally, the implementation of a national program for the treatment of muscular dystrophy could improve the overall quality of care for children with the disease and provide them with the resources they need to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Moreover, the issuance of unique ID cards for patients with muscular dystrophy could serve as a model for the treatment of other rare diseases, helping to streamline access to care and ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate treatment. This measure could also improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery and reduce the administrative burden on families, allowing them to focus on the well-being of their children.


The Supreme Court's hearing of the plea for free treatment for children with muscular dystrophy is a critical step toward addressing the challenges faced by families affected by this devastating disease. The petitioners' demands for reclassification, increased financial support, and the implementation of a national treatment program reflect the urgent need for government intervention to ensure that all children with muscular dystrophy receive the care they need. The outcome of this case will have far-reaching implications for the treatment of rare diseases in India and could serve as a catalyst for broader reforms in the healthcare system.

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