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75 Important Judgments of the Supreme Court: Celebrating 75 Years of India's Supreme Court (Part II)

75 Important Judgments of the Supreme Court: Celebrating 75 Years of India's Supreme Court (Part II)
The article highlights landmark judgments delivered by the Supreme Court of India over the past 75 years, emphasizing the role of the judiciary in shaping the country’s constitutional and legal landscape. These judgments, covering diverse aspects of law, have not only established legal principles but have also significantly influenced Indian society.

Introduction to the Importance of Judicial Pronouncements

The Supreme Court of India, over its seven-and-a-half-decade journey, has played a pivotal role in defining the rule of law in the country. Several judgments have become cornerstones in areas of constitutional law, human rights, and the powers of the executive and legislature. This part of the series continues to bring attention to decisions that have created enduring impacts in the country's legal framework.

Rights and Liberties: Protecting Fundamental Rights

A number of judgments have expanded the scope of fundamental rights under the Indian Constitution. These include cases where the Court interpreted the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 broadly, encompassing not just physical liberty but also the right to a dignified life. One such landmark case is Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978), which established that any law affecting personal liberty must pass the test of reasonableness and due process.

Another crucial ruling was in the Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India (2018) case, where the Court decriminalized consensual homosexual relationships by reading down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, reaffirming the right to privacy and dignity for the LGBTQ+ community. This decision underscored the constitutional commitment to equality and non-discrimination.

Strengthening Democracy and Federalism

The Supreme Court has often been called upon to uphold the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution. In Keshavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala (1973), the Court laid down the doctrine of the basic structure of the Constitution, stating that certain essential features, such as secularism, democracy, and judicial review, could not be amended even by Parliament. This judgment continues to serve as a safeguard against any potential abuse of constitutional powers.

In another significant case, S.R. Bommai v. Union of India (1994), the Court dealt with the issue of the dismissal of state governments under Article 356 of the Constitution. The judgment established that the imposition of President's Rule should not be arbitrary and must be subject to judicial review, strengthening federal principles in India.

Gender Justice and Social Equality

The Court has been proactive in promoting gender justice. In Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan (1997), it laid down guidelines to prevent sexual harassment at the workplace, which later formed the basis for legislation. This case underscored the importance of creating safe working environments for women and ensuring their right to equality and dignity.

Another landmark decision was in Shayara Bano v. Union of India (2017), where the practice of instant triple talaq was declared unconstitutional. The judgment was hailed as a progressive step toward gender justice within the Muslim community, ensuring the protection of women’s rights under the law.

Conclusion: A Beacon of Justice and Constitutionalism

The Supreme Court's role in interpreting the Constitution has been crucial to maintaining the balance of power in a democratic framework. The judgments discussed have contributed significantly to protecting individual rights, promoting gender justice, and reinforcing the democratic fabric of the nation. These rulings represent the Court’s unwavering commitment to upholding the values of justice, liberty, and equality in India.

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