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Child's Right to Parents' Love Upheld in Custody Dispute by Punjab & Haryana HC

Child's Right to Parents' Love Upheld in Custody Dispute by Punjab & Haryana HC

The Punjab and Haryana High Court recently delivered a significant ruling in a custody dispute involving an 8-month-old child. The court emphasized that children of tender age have a fundamental right to the love, care, and protection of both parents, framing it as essential for their emotional and psychological development.

Case Background
The case stemmed from a habeas corpus petition filed by a mother alleging that her infant child had been wrongfully retained by the father. The mother, citing domestic violence and lack of police assistance, sought the return of her child, whom she was nursing.

Court's Observations on Child's Best Interests
Justice Kirti Singh ruled that the welfare of the child must remain the paramount concern, stressing that custody disputes should not treat children as objects passed between parents. The child's stability and security must be safeguarded, and the love of both parents is vital for their well-being.

Fundamental Rights of the Child
The court affirmed that a child’s right to parental love is a basic human right. Justice Singh noted that even in cases of severe parental conflict, the court must assess claims impartially and without bias, focusing solely on what is best for the child.

Visitation Rights Granted to Father
While directing the father to hand over custody to the mother, the court ensured that visitation rights were granted, allowing the father to visit the child at the mother's home. The ruling highlighted that unless there is compelling evidence of abuse or neglect, children should have access to both parents.

Legal Precedents and Considerations
The judgment referenced the Supreme Court's ruling in Yashita Sahu v. State of Rajasthan, reinforcing that habeas corpus is a valid remedy in child custody cases where the best interest of the child is at stake. The court underscored the importance of minimizing disruptions to the child's life while protecting their psychological health.

The Punjab and Haryana High Court's decision not only addresses the immediate custody issue but also reinforces the fundamental rights of children to receive love and care from both parents. This ruling sets a strong precedent for future child custody cases, particularly emphasizing the importance of protecting the child's emotional well-being in contentious custody battles.

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