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Delhi High Court Sets Aside ₹1.29 Crore Penalty Imposed on Footballer Anwar Ali by East Bengal FC and Delhi FC


Delhi High Court Sets Aside ₹1.29 Crore Penalty Imposed on Footballer Anwar Ali by East Bengal FC and Delhi FC

In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court recently quashed a hefty penalty of ₹1.29 crore imposed on professional footballer Anwar Ali. This penalty was levied due to alleged contractual violations between the player and two football clubs, East Bengal FC and Delhi FC. The court’s decision came after careful consideration of the circumstances surrounding the dispute, marking a significant win for the player.

Background of the Dispute
The case centers around a contract signed between Anwar Ali and East Bengal FC in 2020. Ali, a promising young footballer, had signed with the club but was diagnosed with a heart condition shortly afterward. Despite medical advice to rest, the club allegedly pressured him to either play or face penalties. Unable to continue due to health concerns, Ali eventually signed with Delhi FC, prompting East Bengal FC to seek financial penalties for breach of contract.

Medical Condition and Career Concerns
Anwar Ali’s heart condition has been a significant factor in his professional career. Medical professionals had advised the player to take an indefinite break from competitive football, a recommendation that impacted his ability to fulfill contractual obligations. The court took note of this medical condition and the pressure he faced from East Bengal FC, which placed Ali in a difficult position between safeguarding his health and adhering to contractual terms.

Penalty and Legal Proceedings
East Bengal FC and Delhi FC jointly imposed a fine of ₹1.29 crore on Ali, citing breach of contract and non-compliance with his obligations. Ali contested the penalty, arguing that his medical condition should exempt him from such obligations. The matter was taken to the Delhi High Court, where Ali sought relief from the imposed financial burden.

Court’s Observations
The Delhi High Court emphasized the need for a more nuanced understanding of contractual obligations, especially in cases involving health issues. It highlighted that Ali’s inability to fulfill his contract with East Bengal FC was not a willful breach but rather a consequence of medical advice. Furthermore, the court noted that the clubs’ imposition of such a severe penalty without considering the player's health was unreasonable and unjust.

Final Judgment
In its final ruling, the Delhi High Court set aside the ₹1.29 crore penalty, offering relief to Anwar Ali. The court stressed that contracts in the sports world must account for the health and well-being of athletes, and imposing financial penalties under such circumstances was disproportionate. This judgment is expected to have broader implications for contractual disputes involving athletes facing medical challenges.

The Delhi High Court’s decision to quash the penalty imposed on Anwar Ali represents a pivotal moment in sports law, particularly in how contracts are enforced in cases involving athletes' health. The ruling underscores the importance of prioritizing player welfare over rigid enforcement of contractual terms and sets a precedent for future disputes of a similar nature.

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