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Kerala High Court Prohibits Sakha Activities in Temple Premises Managed by Travancore Devaswom Board

Kerala High Court Prohibits Sakha Activities in Temple Premises Managed by Travancore Devaswom Board

In a landmark ruling, the Kerala High Court has directed the Travancore Devaswom Board to enforce strict prohibitions on the use of temple premises for activities such as mass drills, weaponry training, and ideological gatherings associated with "Sakha" activities. The judgment, delivered in response to petitions challenging the use of religious spaces for non-religious purposes, reiterates the importance of maintaining the sanctity and religious character of temples. The court's directive comes at a time when concerns over the blending of religious and political activities within sacred spaces have been raised in multiple forums.

Petition and Complaints

The controversy originated from complaints and petitions filed by concerned devotees and stakeholders, who alleged that several temples under the Travancore Devaswom Board were being used for activities not aligned with their religious nature. Specifically, they pointed out that Sakha activities, which include physical drills and even weaponry training, were being conducted on temple grounds. These activities, primarily associated with ideological groups, were viewed as inappropriate for the religious and spiritual atmosphere of temple premises.

The petitioners argued that temple premises should be exclusively reserved for religious rituals, prayers, and the spiritual well-being of devotees. They contended that any non-religious activity, especially those involving physical or military-like drills, undermined the sanctity of these spaces. The Travancore Devaswom Board, responsible for managing many prominent temples in Kerala, was called upon to take action against the misuse of temple grounds.

Kerala High Court's Ruling

The Kerala High Court, after considering the arguments presented, ruled decisively in favor of the petitioners. The court highlighted that the use of temple premises for mass drills and weaponry training directly contravened the religious purpose of these sacred spaces. It emphasized that temple grounds should be utilized solely for religious and spiritual functions, as defined by tradition and the relevant statutes governing temple management.

In its judgment, the court observed that activities like mass drills and Sakha exercises promote a culture that is far removed from the spiritual and meditative environment temples are meant to foster. The court stated that such activities, often associated with physical training and ideological movements, have no place in religious premises. Therefore, the High Court directed the Travancore Devaswom Board to take immediate measures to prevent the recurrence of such practices within temple compounds.

Travancore Devaswom Board's Role and Responsibilities

The Travancore Devaswom Board, which manages a vast number of temples in the state of Kerala, is entrusted with the duty of preserving the religious character and sanctity of these temples. Under the relevant legal frameworks, the Board is expected to ensure that temple premises are used exclusively for purposes aligned with religious and spiritual practices. The court’s judgment serves as a reminder of this responsibility, holding the Board accountable for any deviation from this mandate.

The Board is now expected to implement measures that will strictly prohibit the use of temple grounds for non-religious activities. This includes regular monitoring of temple premises to ensure compliance with the court’s directive. The Board may also need to revise its guidelines and policies to ensure that temple premises are safeguarded from activities that compromise their spiritual integrity.

Legal and Cultural Implications

The ruling has significant legal and cultural implications for Kerala and beyond. From a legal perspective, the judgment reinforces the need to separate religious activities from other forms of public or private activities, particularly those that might introduce ideological or physical training within religious spaces. The Kerala High Court has set a precedent that could influence similar cases in other parts of India, where the use of temple premises for non-religious purposes has been a contentious issue.

Culturally, the judgment reflects Kerala’s strong tradition of preserving the sanctity of religious spaces. Temples in Kerala have historically been regarded as places of worship and meditation, free from political and ideological influence. The court’s ruling is in line with this cultural ethos, emphasizing the need to maintain the religious purity of temple premises.

Prohibition on Sakha Activities

The court’s specific prohibition on "Sakha" activities is notable. Sakha activities, often associated with organizations that engage in physical and ideological training, were found to be in violation of the religious character of temple spaces. The court’s ruling indicates that such activities, even if they do not involve overtly political messaging, are inappropriate for religious premises due to their non-religious nature.

The court’s decision underscores the principle that temples should remain spaces for spiritual enrichment and devotion, not arenas for physical drills or ideological gatherings. This prohibition reflects a broader concern about the potential for temples to become venues for activities that could polarize communities or detract from the spiritual experience of worshippers.

Enforcement and Monitoring

In response to the court’s directive, the Travancore Devaswom Board is required to take immediate steps to enforce the ban on non-religious activities within temple premises. This will likely involve increased surveillance and stricter control over the use of temple grounds. Temple authorities will need to ensure that any gatherings or activities conducted on temple premises are in accordance with religious practices.

Additionally, the Board may need to develop a reporting mechanism for devotees and members of the public to raise concerns if they observe any activities that violate the court’s order. Effective enforcement of this ruling will require cooperation between temple authorities, law enforcement, and the Devaswom Board to prevent unauthorized use of temple spaces.


The Kerala High Court’s ruling marks a crucial step in preserving the sanctity of temple premises in Kerala. By prohibiting Sakha activities, mass drills, and weaponry training within temple grounds, the court has reinforced the principle that religious spaces should remain dedicated to spiritual and religious purposes. The Travancore Devaswom Board is now tasked with ensuring that temple premises are safeguarded from non-religious activities, thus maintaining the sacred nature of these spaces for devotees. The judgment serves as an important reminder of the need to protect religious spaces from becoming venues for ideological or physical training, preserving their role as centers of devotion and spiritual practice.

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