In a recent development, the Judges' Committee of the Calcutta High Court is considering reducing the Puja vacation by one week in 2025. The Puja vacation, which is one of the longest breaks in the judicial calendar, currently spans around three weeks during the Durga Puja festivities. However, with growing concerns about judicial delays and pending cases, the committee has suggested shortening this vacation to ensure better judicial efficiency.
Background of the Proposal
The proposal to cut down the Puja vacation comes as part of the committee's efforts to address the backlog of cases in the Calcutta High Court. The committee has discussed that the extended break during the Puja period affects the court's functioning, contributing to the delays in hearing and disposal of cases. While the break is culturally significant, the committee is considering a balanced approach to accommodate both judicial efficiency and the traditional observances.
If the proposal is implemented, it could set a precedent for other courts in India to reassess their holiday schedules, aiming to optimize working hours and reduce the pendency of cases. The change is likely to be debated further, with stakeholders from the legal community providing their inputs.
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