The Delhi High Court has issued an interim injunction in favor of Swedish furniture giant IKEA in a trademark infringement lawsuit against the Indian company IKEY Home Studio. Justice Mini Pushkarna restrained IKEY from using the marks 'IKEY', 'IKEY Home Studio', or any other mark deceptively similar to IKEA's trademark, thereby preventing the Indian firm from passing off its products as those of IKEA.
IKEA, established in 1943, is renowned globally for its ready-to-assemble furniture, kitchen appliances, and home accessories. The company asserted that its trademark has garnered international recognition and goodwill, being declared well-known in several countries, including China, Italy, and Turkey. IKEA's vigilance led to the discovery of five trademark applications filed by IKEY during a routine market check of the Trade Marks journal. IKEY, engaged in selling tiles, sanitary wares, plumbing materials, hardware, paints, glass, and plywood, had also established a website and a physical store under the name 'IKEY'.
Concerned about potential consumer confusion, IKEA issued a cease and desist notice to IKEY, which was met with denial of any trademark similarity by the latter. Subsequently, IKEA conducted an investigation revealing that IKEY's website showcased a variety of products from renowned brands, raising apprehensions that consumers might mistakenly associate IKEY's offerings with IKEA's products.
In the court proceedings, IKEA's legal representatives emphasized the distinctiveness and global recognition of the IKEA trademark, arguing that IKEY's use of a deceptively similar mark could lead to consumer confusion and dilution of IKEA's brand identity. Justice Pushkarna, acknowledging the prima facie case presented by IKEA, stated that the balance of convenience favored the plaintiff and that irreparable loss would ensue without the injunction.
The court's order, dated December 18, 2024, restrains IKEY and its associates from selling, advertising, importing, exporting, or dealing in goods and services under the impugned marks during the pendency of the case. Additionally, the court directed the suspension of the domain name '' and mandated the disclosure of its registrant details. The matter is scheduled for further hearing on May 9, 2025.
This ruling underscores the judiciary's stance on protecting well-known trademarks from infringement and passing off, reinforcing the legal safeguards available to established brands against entities attempting to capitalize on their reputation through deceptively similar trademarks.
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