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Nationalist Activities Are Not a License for Criminal Conduct: Jammu and Kashmir High Court


Nationalist Activities Are Not a License for Criminal Conduct: Jammu and Kashmir High Court

Context and Case Background

In a pivotal ruling, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court asserted that engaging in nationalist activities does not provide immunity from criminal prosecution. The court upheld the preventive detention of Aqib Ahmad Renzu, a corporator of the Srinagar Municipal Corporation, under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act (PSA). Renzu was detained in October 2023, shortly after his arrest on sexual harassment charges. This case has sparked significant legal and public interest, given Renzu's defense that his nationalist activities should shield him from detention.

Legal Arguments and Judicial Reasoning

Renzu filed a habeas corpus petition challenging his detention, arguing that his involvement in patriotic initiatives, such as the "Har Ghar Tiranga" campaign and flag hoisting at Char Chinari, demonstrated his commitment to the nation and should protect him from legal action. However, Justice Sanjay Dhar firmly rejected this argument, emphasizing that nationalist activities do not excuse criminal conduct. The judge underscored that engaging in patriotic activities does not grant a person the right to indulge in actions that threaten public order.

Justice Dhar stated, "Merely because the petitioner may have indulged in some activities which are nationalist in character does not give him a licence to indulge in criminal activities. A person indulging in criminal activities, which are prejudicial to the maintenance of public order, cannot take shelter behind nationalist activities in which he may have participated at some point in his career." This assertion highlights the court's stance that the law must treat criminal actions independently of a person's nationalist credentials.

Evaluation of Detention Grounds

Renzu's counsel argued that the grounds for his detention were vague, irrelevant, and lacked a direct link to the detention order. They also contended that his representation against the detention was not adequately considered and that essential documents were not provided to him. Despite these claims, the court found substantial evidence supporting the detention.

The court noted that Renzu had been involved in several criminal activities over a decade, with seven FIRs filed against him from 2013 to 2023. This history indicated a consistent pattern of behavior that endangered public order. The latest incident in 2023, mentioned in the detention grounds, was deemed proximate enough to justify the detention order.

Upholding Preventive Detention

Justice Dhar emphasized the importance of addressing criminal activities that threaten societal peace, regardless of the individual's nationalist activities. The court concluded that there was sufficient basis to detain Renzu under the PSA, dismissing his plea for relief. This decision underscores the judiciary's commitment to maintaining public order and ensuring that individuals cannot exploit nationalist acts to evade accountability for criminal behavior.

Legal Representation and Court's Observations

Advocate Shuja ul Ha represented Aqib Ahmad Renzu, while Government advocate Jehangir Ahmad Dar appeared on behalf of the Jammu and Kashmir government. The court observed that there was no evidence indicating that Renzu's representation was received by the concerned authority, further weakening his defense.

Justice Dhar highlighted that the grounds for detention were specific and detailed, countering the defense's claim of vagueness. The judge pointed out that the consistent criminal behavior exhibited by Renzu over the years justified the preventive measures under the PSA, aimed at preserving public order.

Broader Implications and Legal Precedents

The court's ruling has broader implications for how nationalist activities are perceived in the context of legal accountability. It sets a precedent that participation in patriotic events does not provide a shield against prosecution for serious criminal offenses. This decision reinforces the principle that the rule of law must apply uniformly, irrespective of an individual's nationalist credentials.

The ruling also highlights the judiciary's role in balancing individual rights with societal safety. By upholding Renzu's detention, the court affirmed that legal processes must prioritize public order and safety over personal claims of nationalism. This stance ensures that criminal activities are addressed through appropriate legal channels, maintaining the integrity of the judicial system.


The Jammu and Kashmir High Court's decision to uphold Aqib Ahmad Renzu's detention under the PSA is a significant legal development. It reiterates that nationalist activities cannot be used as a defense against criminal prosecution, emphasizing the importance of legal accountability for actions that threaten public order. This ruling serves as a reminder that the judiciary remains committed to upholding the rule of law, ensuring that justice is served irrespective of an individual's patriotic engagements.

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