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Bridging the Gender Disparity in the Legal Industry: Payal Chawla's Mission with JusContractus


Bridging the Gender Disparity in the Legal Industry: Payal Chawla's Mission with JusContractus


In an industry historically dominated by men, Payal Chawla has made a significant mark by founding JusContractus, India's only all-women law firm. Chawla's journey, marked by personal and professional challenges, exemplifies resilience and a commitment to addressing gender disparity within the legal sector.

Personal Challenges and Motivation

Payal Chawla's decision to create JusContractus was influenced by her own harrowing experiences, including surviving domestic abuse and facing discrimination related to pregnancy and motherhood from a large corporation. These experiences culminated in an eight-year legal battle in the Supreme Court. Despite her qualifications and familial support, Chawla encountered severe injustices, which fueled her determination to create a supportive professional environment for women.

Founding JusContractus

Initially, Chawla founded JusContractus to ensure her financial survival. However, her broader vision was to create a space where women facing similar struggles could find empowerment and support. She recognized that many women lacked the resources and support to combat abuse and discrimination, a realization that shaped the firm's mission.

Creating a Supportive Workplace

Chawla envisioned JusContractus as a workplace that reflected her own experiences and challenges. The firm's structure is designed to accommodate the dual responsibilities of professional and domestic duties, allowing women to work from home and fostering a supportive atmosphere for growth and development. This approach aims to balance work and life, counteracting the societal stereotypes that often burden professional women.

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

Running an all-women business in a patriarchal society like India comes with its own set of challenges. These include overcoming societal stereotypes, maintaining work-life balance, and scaling the business under Indian partnering restrictions for lawyers. Despite these challenges, JusContractus has been profitable and cash flow positive since its inception, even demonstrating resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Impact and Future Vision

Chawla's aim with JusContractus extends beyond mere financial success. She aspires to bridge the gender disparity in the legal industry and inspire other businesses to adopt similar models. By creating an all-women law firm, Chawla not only addresses immediate gender disparities but also seeks to inspire systemic change within the industry.

Broader Implications and Social Contribution

Chawla views her efforts as a way of giving back to society. Her success and the success of JusContractus serve as a vindication against the challenges she has faced. More importantly, Chawla hopes that her model will inspire enough businesses to replicate it, thereby contributing to a broader societal shift towards gender equality in the legal profession.


Payal Chawla's journey with JusContractus is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of addressing gender disparity in the legal industry. Through her firm, she not only provides a supportive environment for women but also paves the way for systemic change, encouraging other businesses to follow suit. Chawla's story is one of empowerment, advocacy, and a relentless pursuit of justice and equality.

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