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Plea in Supreme Court Challenges Bombay HC Verdict Upholding Hijab Ban in Mumbai College

Plea in Supreme Court Challenges Bombay HC Verdict Upholding Hijab Ban in Mumbai College

A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the Bombay High Court's decision to uphold a hijab ban imposed by a private college in Mumbai. The case has garnered significant attention, as it addresses fundamental issues regarding religious freedom and personal expression within educational institutions.

Background of the Case

The controversy began when the NG Acharya & DK Marathe College in Mumbai implemented a dress code that prohibited students from wearing hijabs, burkhas, naqab, stoles, caps, and other similar garments on campus. Nine female students contested this decision, arguing that it infringed on their constitutional rights. However, on June 26, 2024, the Bombay High Court dismissed their petitions, prompting an appeal to the Supreme Court.

High Court's Rationale

The Bombay High Court's decision was primarily based on the argument that the dress code aimed to maintain academic discipline and ensure uniformity among students. The court emphasized that the intention behind the dress code was to prevent the disclosure of a student's religion, thereby promoting a neutral educational environment. The judgment aligned with the Full Bench decision of the Karnataka High Court in the Resham v. State of Karnataka case, which upheld a similar government order.

Arguments by the Petitioners

The petitioners contended that the dress code was arbitrary and discriminatory, violating their rights under Articles 19(1)(a) and 25 of the Indian Constitution, which guarantee freedom of expression and religion. They argued that the dress code not only restricted their right to choose their attire but also impinged on their privacy and personal liberty. The petitioners highlighted that the restriction on wearing hijabs and other religious garments on campus was an unjustified encroachment on their fundamental rights.

Supreme Court's Response

When the plea was mentioned before the Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, for urgent listing, he acknowledged the urgency of the matter, especially with upcoming unit tests for the students involved. He assured that the case would be assigned to a bench and listed soon. This move indicates the Supreme Court's recognition of the significance of the issues raised and the need for a timely resolution.

Implications of the Case

The outcome of this case will have far-reaching implications on the interpretation of religious freedom and personal rights within educational institutions in India. It raises critical questions about the balance between institutional regulations and individual liberties. The Supreme Court's decision will likely set a precedent for future cases involving similar issues of religious attire and dress codes in educational settings.

Legal Precedents and Comparisons

The Bombay High Court's reliance on the Karnataka High Court's decision in Resham v. State of Karnataka reflects a growing judicial trend towards upholding dress codes that aim to maintain uniformity and discipline in educational institutions. However, the Supreme Court has previously delivered split verdicts on similar matters, highlighting the ongoing debate within the judiciary about the limits of institutional authority over personal religious expression.

Broader Societal Context

This case also resonates with broader societal debates about secularism, religious tolerance, and the role of educational institutions in shaping social norms. It underscores the tension between preserving cultural and religious identities and promoting a cohesive, secular educational environment. The petitioners' challenge brings to the forefront the diverse and pluralistic nature of Indian society and the complexities involved in navigating these issues within legal and constitutional frameworks.


As the Supreme Court prepares to hear this pivotal case, it will need to carefully consider the constitutional protections afforded to individual rights and religious freedoms against the backdrop of institutional regulations. The court's ruling will not only impact the lives of the petitioners but also influence the broader discourse on religious attire, personal liberties, and the role of educational institutions in a secular democracy. The decision will be a critical marker in the ongoing dialogue about the balance between individual rights and collective norms in India's diverse society.

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