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Rajasthan High Court Rejects Plea Against Police Investigation Delay in Section 420 IPC Case

Rajasthan High Court Rejects Plea Against Police Investigation Delay in Section 420 IPC Case

The Rajasthan High Court has recently ruled against a plea that challenged the alleged delay and unfair investigation by the police in a cheating case under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The court emphasized the available legal remedies and procedural avenues for addressing such grievances.

Background of the Case

The petitioner, Kailash Tolani, filed a writ petition before the Rajasthan High Court, alleging that the police were intentionally delaying the investigation into a cheating case he had reported. The petitioner claimed that the investigation was neither fair nor just, and accused the investigating agency of stalling the process deliberately. The plea sought the court's intervention to expedite the investigation.

Legal Framework and Court's Observations

Justice Arun Monga, presiding over the case, pointed out that the investigation was still at a nascent stage and that the petition was premature. The court stressed the importance of exhausting available legal remedies before approaching the High Court. Under Section 36 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), a person aggrieved by an unfair investigation can seek recourse by approaching a superior police officer. If this does not yield satisfactory results, the aggrieved party can approach a Magistrate under Section 156(3) CrPC, who has the authority to order an investigation and submission of a report by the police.

Alternative Legal Remedies

The court outlined the legal options available to the petitioner. If the grievance remains unaddressed under Section 36 CrPC, the petitioner can approach a Magistrate of competent jurisdiction under Section 156(3) CrPC. Additionally, an aggrieved party has the option to file a criminal complaint before a competent court. These procedural steps are designed to ensure that grievances related to police investigations are adequately addressed within the legal framework.

Court's Decision

In light of these observations, the Rajasthan High Court rejected the petition, directing the petitioner to approach the appropriate forums first. The court emphasized that the petitioner had prematurely filed the writ petition without exhausting the available legal remedies. Justice Monga's decision reinforces the procedural hierarchy and the importance of following established legal channels before seeking judicial intervention.

Implications of the Decision

This decision underscores the judiciary's stance on maintaining the procedural sanctity of criminal investigations. By highlighting the available legal remedies, the court has reinforced the procedural framework designed to address grievances related to police investigations. This ruling serves as a reminder that parties must exhaust these remedies before seeking the High Court's intervention.


The Rajasthan High Court's rejection of the plea against police investigation delays reaffirms the importance of following procedural protocols. The court's emphasis on exhausting available legal remedies before approaching the High Court ensures that the established legal framework is respected and adhered to. This decision highlights the judiciary's commitment to upholding procedural integrity while addressing grievances related to police investigations. The ruling in Kailash Tolani v. State of Rajasthan & Ors. serves as a precedent for similar cases, emphasizing the need to utilize available legal avenues before seeking judicial intervention.

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