On December 24, 2024, the Gujarat High Court responded to a habeas corpus petition filed by a father alleging the illegal detention of his daughter by individuals associated with Ahmedabad's ISKCON temple. The division bench, comprising Justice Sangeeta K. Vishen and Justice Sanjeev J. Thaker, issued a notice to the State, scheduling further proceedings for January 9, 2025.
The petitioner reported that his daughter left their residence on June 27, taking with her 23 tolas of gold ornaments and ₹3,62,000 in cash. Despite inquiries, her whereabouts remained unknown. The father alleged that respondent No. 4, in collaboration with seven other individuals (respondents No. 5 to 11), orchestrated her departure. He further claimed that these individuals are typically involved in service activities at the ISKCON temple on S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad.
After more than five months without information about his daughter's well-being and perceiving inadequate action from the police, the father sought the High Court's intervention to have his daughter produced before the court.
The court acknowledged the petitioner's concerns and directed the issuance of notices to the respondents, to be served through the relevant police station, with a returnable date of January 9, 2025. This directive underscores the court's commitment to addressing allegations of illegal detention and ensuring the safety and rights of individuals.
The case is officially titled "Shelsing Jaysing Rajpurohit v/s State of Gujarat & Ors." Advocates Dharmesh C. Gurjar and Prema D. Sharma represent the petitioner, while the State's interests are defended by the Public Prosecutor.
This development highlights the judiciary's proactive role in addressing serious allegations concerning personal liberty and the potential involvement of religious institutions in such matters. The forthcoming hearing will be crucial in determining the facts and ensuring the protection of individual rights.
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